Travel Costs
15 miles
20 miles
30 miles
40 miles
All Distances are taken from the post code WS15 3QG
Travel Costs do not apply if 3 or more animals are being treated in one location.
Deals & Offers
Multi-animal Discount
Book three or more animals (different or same species) in the same location and day and get money off all treatments.
Multi-session Discount
Book 5 sessions (excluding initial assessments) and get the 6th session free.
Please note travel costs may still apply, all sessions must be for the same animal and claimed within 12 months of initial purchase.
Yard Discounts
Yard Discounts are available, please contact us for more information
Payment Methods
Card Payment
You can pay us by card via our sum up terminal on the day.
Bank Transfer
You can pay us by BACS, strictly within 14 days of treatment.
You can pay us by Cash on the day of treatment.
You can pay us by Cheque made payable to Fauna Veterinary Physiotherapy on the day of treatment.